A module for creating collections of homogenous shape types, optimizing
shapes (combining paths when possible or removing duplicates), applying
transformations to all of them, and rendering them as SVG elements.

module Group where

import Control.Monad (mapM_)
import Data.List (groupBy, sort)
import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stderr)
import Text.Blaze.Svg11 (Svg, g)
import Text.Printf (printf)

import ApproxEq
import Layer (Layer, mkLayer)
import Point (Point)
import qualified Shape as S
import Style

-- | A type reprresenting a named group of some type of shape.
newtype Group shape = Group [shape]

instance (Show a) => Show (Group a) where
    show (Group as) = show as

-- | Groups can be combined.
instance (Show a, S.SvgShape a, S.Transformable a, S.Mergable a) => Semigroup (Group a) where
    (<>) (Group as) (Group bs) = Group (as ++ bs)

-- | There exists an identity element for any group.
instance (Show a, S.SvgShape a, S.Transformable a, S.Mergable a) => Monoid (Group a) where
    mempty = Group []

-- | A group can be mapped over just like any other container.
instance Functor Group where
    fmap fn (Group as) = Group (fmap fn as)

instance Applicative Group where
    pure a = Group [a]
    (<*>) (Group fn) (Group as) = Group ([f a | (f, a) <- (zip fn as)])

-- | Groups can be transformed in the same way single shapes can.
instance (S.Transformable a) => S.Transformable (Group a) where
    translate  = fmap . S.translate
    rotate     = (fmap .) . S.rotate
    mirror     = (fmap .) . S.mirror
    offset     = (fmap .) . S.offset

-- | Convert a group to a layer.
toLayer :: (Show a, S.SvgShape a, S.Transformable a) => String -> Group a -> Layer
toLayer name (Group shapes) = mkLayer name shapes

-- | Convert a group to a list of shapes.
toList :: (Show a, S.SvgShape a, S.Transformable a) => Group a -> [a]
toList (Group shapes) = shapes

-- | Number of shapes in the group.
size :: Group a -> Int
size (Group as) = length as

-- | Clone a shape over a series of points, returning a group of the translated objects.
translateOverPoints :: (S.Transformable s) => [Point] -> s -> Group s
translateOverPoints ps s = Group $ fmap (\p -> S.translate p s) ps

-- | Clone a shape over a series of points, returning a group of the translated objects.
translateGroupOverPoints :: (Show a, S.SvgShape a, S.Transformable a, S.Mergable a) => [Point] -> Group a -> Group a
translateGroupOverPoints ps (Group shapes) = mconcat $ map (\shape -> translateOverPoints ps shape) shapes

-- | Remove any duplicate shapes from this group
deduplicate :: (Ord t, ApproxEq t) => Group t -> Group t
deduplicate (Group grp) = Group (nub grp)
    where nub = map head . groupBy (=~) . sort

transformAndAppend :: (Show a, S.SvgShape a, S.Transformable a, S.Mergable a) => (a -> a) -> Group a -> Group a
transformAndAppend fn (Group grp) = Group (grp <> newShapes)
    where newShapes = map fn grp

-- | Produce a new group where all shapes that can be merged have been, plus all shapes that couldn't be.
optimizeGroup :: (S.Mergable a) => Group a -> Float -> Group a
optimizeGroup (Group grp) epsilon = Group (S.optimize grp epsilon)

-- | Produce a new group where all shapes that can be merged have been, 
-- plus all shapes that couldn't be, logging the result at the end.
optimizeGroupAndLog :: (S.Mergable a) => Group a -> Float -> IO (Group a)
optimizeGroupAndLog group epsilon = hPutStrLn stderr mssg >> return optGrp
    _start = size group
    optGrp = optimizeGroup group epsilon
    _end   = size optGrp
    mssg   = printf "Optimized group: %d shapes to %d" _start _end

-- | Wrap a group of shapes into an SVG <g> element, including a comment
-- with the name of the group.
toSvgN :: (S.SvgShape s) => Group s -> Svg
toSvgN (Group grp)  = g $ mapM_ S.toSvg grp

-- | Wrap a group of shapes into an SVG <g> element, including a comment
-- with the name of the group. Apply the given styles to the group.
toSvgWithStyle :: (S.SvgShape s) => Group s -> StyleAttrs -> Svg
toSvgWithStyle grp s = applyStyle s $ toSvgN grp