{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification, GADTs #-}

{-| A Scene encapsualtes all SVG elements that will be rendered to a file. -}

module Scene
  ( Scene
  , pattern Scene
  , width
  , height
  , style
  , elements
  , mkScene
  , mkSceneWithStyle
  , svgDoc
  , emptyScene
  , addElement
  , renderScene ) where

import Control.Monad (sequence_)

import Text.Blaze.Svg11 ((!))
import Text.Blaze.Svg.Renderer.String (renderSvg)
import qualified Text.Blaze.Svg11 as S
import qualified Text.Blaze.Svg11.Attributes as A
import Text.Printf

import Helpers (applyAttrs, roundToStr)
import Layer (Layer)
import Style
import Shape

data Scene = Scene { width       :: Float
                   , height      :: Float
                   , style       :: StyleAttrs
                   , elements    :: [S.Svg]

instance Show Scene where
  show scene = "Scene{width=" ++ show (width scene) ++ " height=" ++ show (height scene) ++ "}"

-- | Create a scene (without an associated style). Provide height, width (in inches) and a list of layers.
mkScene :: Float -> Float -> [Layer] -> Scene
mkScene w h layers = let svgElements = map toSvg layers in
  Scene { width=w, height=h, style=defaultStyleAttrs, elements=svgElements}

-- | Create a scene (with an associated style). Provide height, width (in inches), style, and a list of layers.
mkSceneWithStyle :: Float -> Float -> StyleAttrs -> [Layer] -> Scene
mkSceneWithStyle w h st layers = let svgElements = map toSvg layers in
  Scene { width=w, height=h, style=st, elements=svgElements}

instance SvgShape Scene where
  toSvg scene =
    S.docTypeSvg ! A.version "1.1"
                 ! A.width (widthAttr scene)
                 ! A.height (heightAttr scene)
                 ! A.viewbox (viewBoxAttr scene) $
      applyAttrs parentGroupAttrs (S.g $ sequence_ (elements scene))
      parentGroupAttrs = A.transform (transformAttr scene) : getAttrs (style scene)

-- | Extract an SVG attribbute value representing the width of the scene.
widthAttr :: Scene -> S.AttributeValue
widthAttr s = S.stringValue $ roundToStr 2 (width s) ++ "in"

-- | Extract an SVG attribbute value representing the height of the scene.
heightAttr :: Scene -> S.AttributeValue
heightAttr s = S.stringValue $ roundToStr 2 (height s) ++ "in"

-- | Extract an SVG attribbute value representing the view-box of the scene.
viewBoxAttr :: Scene -> S.AttributeValue
viewBoxAttr scene = S.stringValue $ "0 0 " ++ roundToStr 4 (width scene) ++ " " ++ roundToStr 4 (height scene)

-- | Extract an SVG attribbute value representing a transform on the scene.
transformAttr :: Scene -> S.AttributeValue
transformAttr scene = S.stringValue $ printf "translate(%s,%s) scale(1, -1)" (roundToStr 4 $ width scene * 0.5) (roundToStr 4 $ height scene * 0.5)

-- | Given a scene and an SVG element representing it's contents, render the final scene.
svgDoc :: Scene -> S.Svg ->  S.Svg
svgDoc scene core = S.docTypeSvg ! A.version "1.1" ! A.width (widthAttr scene) ! A.height (heightAttr scene)  ! A.viewbox (viewBoxAttr scene) $
    S.g ! A.transform (transformAttr scene) ! A.fill (S.stringValue "#ffffff") $ core

emptyScene :: Float -> Float -> StyleAttrs -> Scene
emptyScene w h s = Scene w h s []

addElement :: (SvgShape s) => Scene -> s -> Scene
addElement scene s = scene { elements=els }
  where els = toSvg s : elements scene

-- | Render a scene to a string containin all SVG code.
renderScene :: IO Scene -> IO String
renderScene sceneM = renderSvg . toSvg <$> sceneM